WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Images: Smoked salmon with slices of lime and Cairngorms National Park brand logo What’s cooking in the Cairngorms National Park! Get your creative juices flowing and make up a menu for the Park. Young or old, tell us what would be your idea of the perfect meal and create a mouthwatering 3-course menu that represents the Park, inspired by the huge choice of fantastic local produce. ...and you don’t have to cook it! Local chefs will prepare the three best menus at a special Cookathon & Fun Day in Tomintoul on Saturday 2nd August 2008. The winning menu will be chosen by a guest judge and featured at a local restaurant within the Park. The competition is open to all and is part of National Parks Week - to celebrate the 14 UK National Parks. For more information contact: Stephanie Bungay, 14 The Square, Grantown on Spey PH26 3HG Tel: 01479 873 535, Email: stephaniebungay@cairngorms.co.uk or Bell Macaulay, 19 Old Station Place, Ballater, Aberdeenshire AB35 5RG Tel: 0776 994 7233, Email: Bell@aofcc.co.uk Entries must be submitted by Monday 28th July www.cairngorms.co.uk Image: National Parks Week 2008 logo